Customer service

Customer service » Account details

How do I add the text "about myself"?

The text "about yourself" only consists of either Swedish or English letters and numbers. After you have filled in your text, it will be reviewed by us in customer service to make sure everything is correct.


If your text violates our terms of use or guidelines, this text will be deleted. It is therefore important that you comply with the terms of use and our guidelines for published texts. We therefore strongly recommend our members to read both the terms of use and the guidelines below.


Texts that allude to violence, discriminatory allusions, insults, political messages or racist hints will be deleted. We care about the equal value of people regardless of gender, skin colour, ethnicity or religious background


Text that advocates illegal substances and preparations will be deleted.

Text containing contact information will be deleted to protect you and other people. We want our customers to feel safe when they communicate with each other and therefore recommend our users to think about preparing security for their personal data


We do not accept texts about myself that are in conflict with the other terms of use.

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